I am here to re-mind you that: you matter. Your voice matters.

I am here to re-mind you that: you are worthy. Worthiness is your birthright.

I am here to re-mind you that: you are Love. Loving yourself is truly possible.

“A mountain keeps an echo deep inside.
That’s how I hold your voice.” ― Rumi

Hello lovely! My name is Viknesvari.

Creator of heArtflow – Empowering women to live from their heArts.

My work with women is all about creating an intimate connection with yourself, radiating your Powerful Light and becoming a natural magnet to fulfilling relationships. heArtflow, is founded on the core beliefs of self-awareness, authenticity, fierce & unconditional self-love and the expression of your inner truths.

Do you remember the hard knocks and bottomless pits, you’ve fallen through? The yearning for the freedom and joy of the high highs? I’m your guide through your ups and downs, showing you how to navigate the ebb and flow with loving grace instead of resistance and struggle. There are infinite possibilities available to you and I’ll show you how to tap into this endless stream of abundance to live from your heart.

The seed for this work was planted from my desire to understand human relationships. My roots grew deep in the soils of Psychology with particular interest for stress, trauma, bodily reactions, emotions and connection. My knowledge has been crafted through my years of working with children, youths and families in the field of special needs, physical and sexual abuse, neglect, crisis management and counselling. My work has also been greatly supported through the threads of vocal coaching, creativity coaching, intuitive energy healing practices and spiritual teachings. I am known for cutting through the bullshit stories and getting straight to the heart of the matter – the part that kicks your tear ducts.

Quirky facts about me

  • I asked my sister on what she thought was funny about me that I could include in this section and she said… Nothing – and laughed. PS: We might be the only two people who found this funny.
  • I am a Star Child. I live in a house with a Unicorn and a Bear. PS: my siblings
  • I’m a proud owner of a loud, deep-belly laughter. You’ll hear me laughing before you see me.
  • I am very… flowy: my hair, my style, my voice, my art.
  • I belong to a group of Flower Faeries and my chosen name is Yarrow Faery.
  • I start my day with a cup of coffee … dippididoodaadippidiyeay!
  • I prefer to spend my money on books than shoes, especially illustrated Children’s Book!
  • I like having a vase of fresh flowers at my altar. They remind me of love, beauty, the art of allowing and abundance.
  • As I walk down the streets, you will see me smiling for no apparent reason and hear me singing songs that only I can hear

Thank you for reading my story.
I honour your presence here today.
Thank you beautiful soul.