4 Steps to SOULow-down: Sitting in Stillness


At the start of December I was riding on high energy – in preparation for the End of The Year Concert for our students taking vocal lessons. In the same week that my beautiful boss was back in town, my dad was hospitalized and a week later I had to take some down time when my vertigo was triggered.

How often do we look within to see what we have done wrong or differently, because the outcome was not something that we had expected?

Yes, I did look within myself. I know that at a vibrational level I was shown where more healing was needed. On another hand, I did not internally reflect to see where I had gone wrong. I chose to be a lot more kinder to myself, not beat myself up for falling sick and allowed myself to listen to my body, my needs and to prioritise my rest. This felt really good too!

I know that I am on my path. I am grateful for this contrast to show me what I do want in my life and what I do not want. I am allowing all of my feelings and experiences so that I can release them with ease and grace. When I do, I create space within me to tap back into my Source of Joy again.


The word that has been coming up for me towards the end of December: BALANCE

Yes, my Soul really wants for me to receive this message. I am hearing You, loud and clear.

I am holding a vision for my health and vitality for 2016. I am committing to Balance in all areas of my life.

One way for me to do that is slow all the way . I have been receiving lots of messages since last week and one of it has been to Sit in Stillness.

I had a thought where I had wondered, “What if BEING in stillness more, actually allowed me to take more INSPIRED action?”

I strongly believe that thoughts and ideas are all divinely inspired and little gifts and miracles given to us by God or Angels. Are you listening to the seeds that are desiring to be planted within you and to be birthed by you?

What if, by taking more time to slow down and simply be, to meditate and stay relaxed, I was more present in my life and felt calmer? I would be able to get more done rather than going down the to-do-train-list and look at lack – at all the things I have not completed. My opportunity here is to look at all of the brilliant and amazing things that I have accomplished! All the love that I have chosen to be and all the love that I am receiving in abundance!

You know what? It’s completely ok. It’s ok that I have projects that I have left hanging. It’s ok that I am choosing to slow down now, even when, or especially when there are tons to be done. I am choosing to slow down because that feels really good to me. When I slow down I am receiving reflections around how marvellous 2015, the Year of Action has been for me.

Slowing down and connecting with my soul has brought me the gift of moving forward to write about my 2015, a SoulView Series and I invite you to join me as I look back at the lessons and growth that I have transformed through this year.

4 Steps to SOULowdown and Sit with Stillness

Stop all that you are doing. Take a few deep cleansing breaths.

(1) Where do you find yourself now? Where are you at right now?

What have your thoughts been centered around? What have you pushed to the back of your mind – yes, let’s go there too. Listen to all of the noises in your head. List them down if it makes you feel better – all of the plans and the ideas for 2016 and all of the things that you are looking over in 2015. By moving these out of you, you’re creating space for clarity within you, you’re creating space for imagination and connection to the Divine.

(2) Meet yourself right where you are. Accept where you are right now. Make peace with it.

Know there where you find yourself is OK. There is no need to change that right now. As you are desiring to meet yourself where you are – notice all the thoughts of lack that are rushing forward, all the expectations that you have for yourself. Allow them to come forth now. Expand yourself within to hold space for it all, for they are a part of you too. Tune in to your body and feel into all the places that you’re holding tension your body. Take a deep breath and relax into any resistance that you may be feeling.

(3) Let’s sit in stillness.

Create some sacred space for yourself to go within. Honour this time for you. Crystals. Mala. Burn candles. Play some mantra music to get you settled down within yourself. Pull your energy back into your body. Pull out your oracle cards and allow them to create an intention for yourself during this time. When you’re ready let the music fade out on its final repetition or allow it to play if that makes you feel better too. Allow the sounds of your environment. Feel your Soul Presence in your body. Focus on your breath entering your nostrils and filling up your body and gently release them. Imagine your body being filled up with lots of love and light with every breath that you take. Imagine yourself being washed with an abundance of light. Give thanks for this moment of connection, presence and love.

(4) What is your Soul desiring for you now? Where are you being led?.

Put your hand on your heart now. Sink in deep into your heart. Ask your Inner Being – what do you FEEL right now? What are you loving? What are you desiring more of? Is there a word of focus that is coming up for you? What is the next one thing that you could do? Devote your full attention to doing this one thing, instead of thinking of all of the other things you should be doing. When you find yourself wavering in your thoughts, that’s ok. Allow it. Observe the judgment around this and release it and then bring yourself back into focus.