Removing your masks & Expanding into Love


As you experience growth, as you feel your layers come apart, as you gain insights into your own truth, you are revealing yourself a little bit each time. You are no longer the only observer from within, with Source Energy and your Spirit Guides cheering you on. You are allowing yourself to be truly seen in the world. You are removing your armour, your masks, you are stepping out of the closets, one foot in front of the other.

You are stepping into your own Light, where you are meant to be.

As you take the bricks down, from the walls that you have built around yourself and around your heart – begin to ask yourself:

+ What led me to put this brick here?

+ How did this brick serve me, help me, guide me?

+ Is this brick still serving me today?

You may have created boundaries to keep you safe, to protect yourself due to past incidents that may have caused you great pain. However, these bricks may in fact be blocking you from moving forward in the Now, turning away from opportunities and gifts that are sent your way. Though the past situation may be over, you may still be carrying the pain and the burden of it on your shoulders.

The power lies within you, to lift this brick now, to look at the story behind it.

Take a deep breath in and say, “I accept” and as you breathe out slowly, say “I allow”.

Give yourself the freedom of acceptance and allowing your experience, emotions and wisdom gained. Allow your experiences to wash over you and leave your body, leave your space on the out-breath and with it, watch your brick fall away, watch the pain wash away.

Breathe in and say “I am” and breathe out slowly, saying “safe”.

Feel yourself fully connecting to your body, to your breath. Fully present in the Now.

Breathe in again with the intention of gifting yourself the energy of Love through your breath.

As I let go of all that no longer serves me, as my energy shifts, as Love expands within my body, as my chakras open, balance and align – I feel myself expanding into love. I simply adore this phrase! Instead of seeing myself as expanding into Spirit or expanding into a bigger version of me, I am choosing to see it as expanding into love – gentler, more allowing. When you open yourself to that, you slowly melt into that space and become Love’s energy. Mmmm there is so much of goodness, to become one with Love, to accept and embrace yourself whole.

How are you doing today beautiful soul? Where would you like to bring more love into your life? Write back to me and let me know!