Fear of rejection comes hand in hand with a longing for acceptance. When you feel rejected, it feels like who you are as a person, your inherent worth has been rejected, left unwanted. You begin to wonder if you did or said something wrong. You may even feel angry that your voice is not being heard and this anger builds up within you, when left
The reason behind the fear of rejection comes from a desire for deep connection, love and acceptance. Speaking your truth comes with a sense of vulnerability where you are ripping off the band aid and exposing your true feelings to your partner. The pain of feeling rejected is REAL. It is the avoidance of this pain that creates waves in your relationship in the form
“I’m spiritual and he is not… can this (relationship) last?” When you begin a spiritual path, the one thing that you seek, is another person who thinks and feels like you do, with similar beliefs and is living like you. You are hungry for information, to understand what you’re going through, to have like-minded friends for support. Concepts like twin flames, soulmates become interesting
“I just feel like he is not listening to me”. “I feel like he doesn’t understand me…” If these thoughts have been going through a woman’s mind, most likely she’s been having these experiences for awhile. She’s probably wondering… “Is this (relationship) going to last?” “Can I really do this?” As a highly sensitive woman in a relationship, what you really want
A multi-passionate woman often feels that she can’t choose just one passion project to focus on. Doing so would mean that she’s leaving out the things that she loves to do or does not feel whole as a person. There would be guilt building up at the back of her mind for not touching on a course or a project in that week.
If you want to be able to say ‘no’ to internal chatter like… (1) the fear of missing out so you sign up for materials that you never get around to reading or participating in (2) not giving in and feeling ok with that to the person that is highly likely to ask for your help again with little effort on their part (3) worry