A couple of days ago I was chatting with a friend who had tagged me in a 888 lion’s gateway post. It dawned on me. BAM! During the 21 day painting meditation, I had painted the energy of 888000 for sacral chakra and I painted these three loops for Earth. Both were created were intense energies. The energy of this day has been calling out
Presence is a value that I hold dear in my being and I have received messages aligned with the I Am Presence over the last few days.When I was feeling tired on Monday evening, I lay down to rest and wondered to myself:will I be able to focus on my breath and simply breathe for at least ten minutes without any music?So I did.Flowing with
Divine Downloads. Fear of commitment. Fear in my stomach. Detachment. Allowing. Contraction. Tears. Allowing. Surrendering. Trusting. Expanding.That’s the kind of growth I went through for two weeks in July.I birthed the content of my sales page 2 weeks ago from my womb. It literally felt that way! Like a fire that was burning from within, wanting to burst forth into words, to be communicated and
Who am I to send these messages? Who am I to speak of love? Who am I to speak of truth? Who am I to speak of power? Who am I to whisper in your ear? Who am I to hold your hand? Who am I to catch your tears? Oh but dear one, I am you I am your sister I am your brother