How to Create Space to invite Clarity


When are the times that you’ve had a lightbulb moment of realization or the birth of a new idea?

Often it is a moment that was least expected.

You were not thinking too hard about it & it came to you! Just like that!

You were in the receptive mode, allowing yourself to receive from the Universe and this idea landed in the space that you have created in your life, your body and your mind.

I’ve experienced this when I am in the shower in the morning.

A moment of quiet bliss with nothing in my mind. Being present with the flow of water down my body.

I’ve experienced this during meditation. I’ve experienced this after yoga.

I feel deeply present and connected to my body. In that blissful connection, an idea is born.

I’ve experienced this when I am feeling good and in the flow of joy.

I am not trying too hard. I am simply allowing.

I’ve experienced this when I have had a question in my mind, but forgotten about it and at another time receiving my answer to this question!

I had asked the question and released it. I had detached from needing a solution. I had turned my focus on to other things. Then the answer came to me on its own.

In my presence, I had created space.

In presence, there are endless possibilities for creation.

In the creation of space, I have gained clarity.

One of the things that I appreciate in receiving was the group of people that I desire work with for my coaching services. Last year when I created my website, I wanted to help people who are struggling with their self-worth and empowering them. Now I’ve gained clarity around guiding people towards Authentic and Open-heArted Living.

Receiving this gift of clarity was truly sweet!

Another way that I have gained clarity, is through experiences in my life that are in contrast to what I desire! Instead of berating myself for being in a situation or moment that I do not like, I quickly shift into seeing that this experience is showing me more of what I desire in my life! This shift in my perspective is because I have created space in my daily life to spend time in the energy of appreciation! My next step is to make peace with where I am and then focus on my heArtfelt desire.

When I created space in my life, I received ideas for my business. I opened myself to infinite ways to dream and create in my life! This energy is one of abundance filled with joy and love!

My latest clarity is that no one single formula that fits all, even the creation of an online business. For now, I’m just meant to be on my journey and to share my story with you. The most true to myself that I can be.

I would love this for you too!

If you’d like to create some clarity in your life and you’re not sure where to start and what to do, connect with me for a 20 mins chat and let’s change that!

Join my community to tap into the energy of appreciation and change the way you see your life: Flow of Appreciation

Visit my previous post on Creating Space for Authentic Connection on practical ways to create space in your life and a meditation to help you connect within.

What are your thoughts on Clarity? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with me or connect with me at vickie(dot)heartflow(at)gmail(dot)com. Let’s get clear!