A Big Contrast gives birth to A Big Desire


Our planet is shifting through a big contrast since the U.S. Presidential Elections. There is a lot of fear, hate, anxiety, pain and grief that is pouring forth – in conversations, the news and in social media.

I’d like to invite you to choose a different perception today.

I’d like you to play along with me for just a little while.

What if…

This was meant to happen..

Everything has unfolded exactly as planned..

Your dominant vibration pulled this into your experience..

What if such a big contrasting experience, where people may feel that it is quite ridiculous or outrageous or people may feel that it is just and right. What if this was what the planet needed for you to realise what you really really do not want in your life?

I am calling for you to stand in this contrasting experience and in the knowing of what you do not want in your life.

Now, I want you to ask these questions:

What am I wanting for myself (or for the planet that I am a part of..)

What am I truly desiring, deep in my heart..

How do I want to feel..

This is the time to transmute your big fears and emotions into Big Love.

I am inviting you to allow this contrasting experience to be a moment of clarification for you. Allow this contrast to bring to you, with crystal clarity, your pure desire.

I am inviting you to turn your attention onto your desire. Let your desire be your dominant intention.

Today, you get to choose.

Align to the Source that flows within you. Align to the Truth of who you are.

Sit with the peace that you hold in your heart.

Allow yourself to radiate that peace all around you.

May you attract more peaceful experiences to yourself.

What are your thoughts on Clarifying Contrast? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with me or connect with me at vickie(dot)heartflow(at)gmail(dot)com. Let’s shift into your Desire!

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