Have you been reaching for Freedom too?


I’ve been searching and yearning for Freedom.

I thought that freedom would come when I’m finally my own boss and when I’m running my own business and that is all that I am doing. This thought wasn’t entirely conscious.

Freedom also looks like being fully me in the present moment.

Freedom looks like being able to do anything that I wanted to.

Freedom FEELs like an expanded sense of joy and beingness.

THIS feeling is what I have expanded into.

Through a pathway that I least expected.

Aren’t they always the best!

It was through the feeling and the true experience that I’ve come to fully understand that the conditions, the circumstances do not matter.

It is not enough to know in thought.

To go really deep, you need to know, by the way of feeling your emotions AND the energy behind it.

I began to not care what anybody else thinks. It didn’t matter to me anymore.

My focus was on how I felt and choosing to feel good, to feel ease, to feel relaxed and always connecting back to Source. Standing taller and tapping into my goddess energy, feeling stronger feeling happy. It’s like my Soul is stretching into the fullness of who I am.
I felt this through my entire being and in all of my cells. As I allowed, I saw the Universe delivering to me an abundance of love, joy, gifts and the best of all, more freedom and ease. The more I felt this way, the more I felt it in my body the more this feeling radiated out from my being.


In this moment, I know now that I have everything that I need.

I am living my BEST version of me, in my NOW.

And that feels, fantabulous.

The truth about freedom is a feeling that you are reaching for. Not something that you are waiting or hoping to achieve. When that achievement comes, there will always be something more that you’ll be reaching for.

Reach for the feeling of freedom. The freedom of being who you really are in this moment.

I’ve done it. I know this is possible for you too!

What are your thoughts on Freedom? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with me or connect with me at vickie(dot)heartflow(at)gmail(dot)com. Let’s get clear!