A Dream Come True: A Published Author


Today I am taking a moment to celebrate a beautiful fulfillment. I am officially a Published Author!

My short story has been published in 365 Moments of Grace and this book is a #1 Amazon International Bestseller! Woohoo! This feeling is incredible! As someone who loves connection, community and collaborations, I am so grateful to be a part of this soul-full creation with people from all over the world!

My story is about my very special union with my beloved Soulmate! My story is a message of hope to all out there, looking for love! I want you to know that Big Love is possible for you and your life too!

For my lovely readers near or in the US, you can get your copy through my Amazon link

For my lovely readers near or in Singapore, reply this note or contact me to get your copy! vickie(dot)heartflow(at)gmail(dot)com

I’ve also been featured on Author Spotlight!! <-- Click here

Visit the above link to read my thoughts on Grace and my wishes for the readers of this book!

I’d like to say a special thank you to my dear friends “ John Royer, Mandi Kontos and Amy MacKenzie for the care and love taken to write these precious quotes on Grace that I’ll be sharing throughout this post today!

Writing gracefully, should come from a place of love, not fear, because when we find our voice and get in touch with who we are. Our writing gets better and our clarity strengthens and everything falls into place.

~ Mandi Kontos from Dreaming Fully Awake | Writing Coach, Editor, Copywriter

I have always loved writing as a form of expressing myself.

I kept paper journals from 7 to 12 years old. I explored using an online diary for over 10 years where I connected with beautiful friends and experimented designing and using a blog as well. Several years ago I collated selected poems and diary entries into a handwritten book. This was the first creation of my own book. Now, I have taken a giant leap towards creating my dream!

I continued writing to express my musings through Facebook posts and created an album titled Dear Heart Series for inspiration. This inspired action has now developed into my Dear Heart Love Notes that I get to share with all of you around the world! How fantastic is that! Sign up on the right side to receive your love notes too!

When I think of grace it is the light touch of love wished upon a person and the power to come from a place of peace. Grace is the space between here + there.

~Amy MacKenzie from Designing Her Life | Life Coach for Female Entreprenuers

The past 6 months of 2016 has been a year of transformation and breakthroughs! I am a published artist in collaborative projects with International Creativity Coaches of 100 Elephant Love postcards and an Adult Colouring book titled Super Soul Flow, living my dream life with my Soulmate, gained clarity around my business, connected with clients for private coaching and classes and I’ve also resigned from my job after 4 years – on my way towards a new adventure! Now I am a contributing author to this amazing book “ 365 Moments of Grace!

My message to you today is that there are infinite possibilities to create the life that you desire! Say YES to your desires!

When you are Aligned within, you become a powerful magnet attracting opportunities and connections to yourself! A magnificent creator of Life! Join me on this journey and let me show you how.

I’d like to leave you with these gorgeous soul-filled words about Grace, by my dear friend, John. Enjoy!

When my friend Viknes asked me to write something about grace the first thing that came to mind was, what do I know about grace? I’m like Godzilla in a china shop! So I sat down and really thought about grace. What is grace?

Grace is beauty of movement. Grace is the beauty of love for both self and others. Grace is the beauty of strength. Grace is the beauty of failure. Grace is the beauty of getting past that failure. Grace is the beauty of admitting when you are wrong. To sum it up, grace is many things.

Ultimately, grace is having the ability to see all these things and manifest it into your life. When this is achieved (notice I wrote when instead of if a whole new level of understanding and balance will be absorbed into your being and will then beam back out of yourself healing both physically and spiritually those close and far away.

~ John Royer from My Plentiful Energy

What are your thoughts on Grace? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with me or connect with me at vickie(dot)heartflow(at)gmail(dot)com. I’m excited to hear from you!

One Response to “A Dream Come True: A Published Author

  1. Congratulations, Dear & Beautiful Viknes! Celebrating you and your wonderful accomplishment! I’m so excited for you and know this is the first of many published articles!!! I can’t wait to read it! 😉