7 Simple Steps to Create Moon Meditations


I’m SO happy to share with you how to create your very own full moon message!!!

This is my sacred process of writing moon messages and all of my mediation messages that I send out in my Dear heArt Love Notes! Join my heartflow-ers tribe here to infuse your inbox with loooooove!

For those of you who may not tried this before, it may feel a little awkward. Thoughts like – am I talking to myself, this is bogus, I’m wasting my time, am I doing it right – may be popping up! *pop pop pop* I invite you to :

Stay open

Be curious in the unfolding

Trust your process – it is exactly right for you in this moment

Practice – try it out and experiment.

Feel free to flow with my suggestions before you feel confident to try your own process – for this is how we learn. There are infinite possibilities for you to experiment with! As you continue your practice you may try it out in various ways!

For those who practice stream of consciousness writing or journaling, this form of writing MAY be a tad bit easier. You’ll see!

(1) Creating your sacred or quiet space.

Having a pen and paper is enough and you can add candles, flowers, cup of tea. Anything that feels really good and relaxing for you!

(2) Ask Soul/Inner Being a direct question!

Write this at the top of your journal: Dear Spirit/Soul/Inner Being (any word that you’re comfortable using) – what will you have me share with my tribe today? I am opening and allowing to receive. What is your message today?

(3) Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Be present in your body.

(4)Connect to Earth Energy.

Imagine the base of your spine, or root chakra extending down into the centre of the earth. Imagine what the centre of the earth feels like. Imagine the earth energy moving up and connecting back to the base of your spine or root chakra. Feel your energy being replenished.

(5) Connect to Cosmic Energy.

Imagine the sun’s golden energy pouring onto your skin and washing all over you. Imagine sitting in a circle that’s being cleansed by this golden energy. This is YOUR space. You are safe here.

(6) Allow yourself to go to a place in your mind – one that you love and feel most relaxed and connected.

Allow yourself to feel the place that you are in – allow yourself to be open and receive.

I saw myself in my beautiful house today, sitting on my chair. I felt the presence of a Being/Angel/Higher Self/My Soul, embracing me, holding me. I allowed myself to receive a message from her.

You may choose to receive a message from your higher self. You may talk a walk in the woods, by the beach – what feels really really good to you.

You may choose to listen to the entire message being received before you write. Or you may write as you receive.

(7) Say Thank You for this beautiful blessing.

Breathe and feel your heart open. Stay in the moment for awhile. When you are ready, open your eyes and smile.

Beautiful souls, here’s my full moon meditation that I had sent out to my tribe. Click the image below to access your copy of my Moon Meditation. It’s for FREE!


When you have received your own moon meditation, I would LOVE to hear from your experience and the message that you received! If you’d like to know more and feel excited to share, leave a comment or connect with me at vickie(dot)heartflow(at)gmail(dot)com