How to Create Space for Authentic Connection


Creating space – outside and in.


Creating space has helped me to “reduce the noise” in my life.

By noise, I mean disruptions that kept me busy, not present, things that I think that I am wanting but not fully engaging with, only briefly.


Creating space has helped me to listen deeply to my Voice.

Not listen to the thoughts in my head but to listen deeply from my heart, my voice when I am feeling connected within.


I have to confess.

I had been keeping myself busy with almost endless courses, coaching and multiple unread emails. There were times I would click on those emails by, without more than a glance to the content of the emails, just to reduce the number of unread email count!


Now, I have unsubscribed from 128 email subscriptions! YEAY!

I have deleted a whole bunch of tracks and music on my computer.

I have cleaned up a lot of space on my Mac and no longer see the pop up that says “my start up disk is full”!


Now I receive and connect with souls and their lovely messages in their emails. I have space in my life to create more authentic connections with others! I have time to write back to them and share my thoughts too.


It felt really really good to have created all of this SPACE for myself in my life!

Initially, it felt really quiet and at the same time – strange.

What will I do with all of this space?

I realized that I didn’t need to know what I would do, or how it would all happen. I simply needed to be in this space and appreciate that I have created it and that it is here now.


This is what my appreciation felt like:

So sweet – the space and freedom to create!

The freedom to simply be me. It is so much quieter now. There isn’t any frantic movement anymore. It feels like steady and quiet flow of the stream. A deep listening. I am hearing my voice even better now. Meditation has guided me to drop into my heart space and to be deeply rooted and present in my body.


So I’d like to ask you dear one, where in your life can you create more space?

I create physical space in my life, in preparation for more that is coming in. This is another way of stepping into the receptive mode. I love being open to receiving from the Universe.

I have been receiving an inflow of abundance, in the form of beautiful souls who are desiring to work with me for singing lessons and coaching around using the Voice, self-expression through writing or presentations, painting and meditation. I am also in transition into a new job.


You may want to meet the love of your life, to create a business, to take a vacation, to switch careers – but you are not creating the space for it! You think that you will do it some other time. You push it away and procrastinate. You make excuses. You believe everything that you think. I know this because I’ve been through it too and these have been my thoughts.


One way to start, is to create space.


It is daunting to clear everything in one day. So break it all up!

Choose one area to clear.

Your cupboard and closets, boxes, desk, drawers, books, clothes, computer.

You do not need to do it all in one day! Spread it over a few days or a few weekends! Go at a pace that feels good for you.


What have you been keeping or holding on to that no longer serves you?

Let them go. Come back to the present moment detach from the memories, the items and let them go. Be here now. Breathe and be present in your body.

In the creation of space, you will feel really good and free too.

More is coming your way. You know it. You will feel it. You can begin to expect it too.

As you create more physical space…

Come back into your body.

Get quiet and create some space within you.

Feel the breath expand within you.

Spend some time with you here, on your own.

Breathe down into your heart and release your breath slowly.

Imagine cleansing your bodily space within with every breath that you take.

Feel your body, the spaciousness within expand as you breathe. Such goodness! Stay here for a while.


This is your invitation into the receptive mode.


Welcome to your heart space.


Keep breathing deeply.

In this clearing of space, in the reduction of all the noise around you, in this blissful quiet, listen to your heart.

What is your heart telling you today, dear one?


Leave a comment and share your heart’s inner guidance with me!


If you have been inspired to start creating space, I would LOVE to hear from you and if you’d like I’d love to share your stories too! If you’d like to know more or if you have any questions, leave a comment or connect with me at vickie(dot)heartflow(at)gmail(dot)com