I have been on a journey of embracing my sensitivity – my ability to feel my emotions very deeply and being empathetic.
I picked up on other people’s energy and emotions beyond the words that they communicated. At times, I felt drained being surrounded by large groups of people and needed a time out from connecting. I needed time away from people to re-fill my cup. When I took Brene Brown’s course two years ago, we had a lesson on Superpower. I remember having the insight that my superpower is my Voice and that my Kryptonite was Silence. I remember that the guest teacher with Brene chose Sensitivity as her Superpower.
I learnt the power of allowing ALL of my emotions, when I started Goddess practices and connected with my yogini sisters.
Uninhibited. Uncensored. I learnt to express my emotions with raw vulnerability in our sacred circle, a very safe space. A space for truths to be held, for us to be completely seen, respectfully and beautifully received. If it was anger that I was feeling, or guilt or shame, I felt it in my body as I breathed deep into my sacral chakra. I felt the fire burning in my belly. I expressed myself in the written word and through Art. By doing so, I moved this energy out of me in safe and creative ways.
It was only through a conversation that a truth was illuminated to me – that I was doing damage control after taking an emotional hit. I had all the tools to transmute my emotions and it was time for me to step up and take a look at what’s happening at the front row seats.
Sometimes when Truth is presented to me, resistance comes up. The ego tries to keep me safe, my defences are on alert. I was aware that this was happening and remained open to receive the information that came my way. After exploration and observation of my own behaviours and speech, my patterns of self-sabotage and giving up my power, quickly became clear to me. A series of events lined up for me for my next path of Soul Growth.
I was involved in Making Love to The Resistance – painting the energy of my life & karmic number (6). Through the painting process, I faced my tendencies of indecision and worry by taking inspired action. I challenged myself to take action, no matter how small, every single day. I released tears of grief and hurt and birth a new way of showing up in my life. I was done playing small and I found the courage to take risks and take bold action.
I embarked on The Co Creation Masterclass and learnt the power of tracking inspiration every day, synchronicities, ideas, guidance. I learnt how to outsource my desires and worries to the Universe and give thanks to all that has happened and all that is coming in Divine Timing. Once again, I truly experienced the power of manifesting with ease and grace – people coming into my life at the right time, receiving a message or guidance in divine timing etc. How beautiful to feel and see the ways the Universe has my back.
In Attract Love Mastery with my Love Coach, Cole Bombino, I was guided to practice journaling and pre-paving the emotions that I wanted to experience more of in my life. Every morning I devoted time to focusing on one emotion that I desired to cultivate in my life and what that would feel like and look like. What started out as a 12 week morning pages practice has now lasted me for 137 days of journaling. My confidence grew by leaps and bounds and I found myself embodying the energy of being a Goddess who is strong and powerful. I showed up everyday in our #committolove challenge in December and saw how much of love was present in my every day.
I found myself diving deeper into the Art of Allowing daily practice with a group of beautiful light workers, following the teachings of Abraham-Hicks. I spent time listening to youtube videos on these teachings and felt my level of consciousness rising. I started a practice to change my money and success story. I learnt to practice listening deeply and trusting my intuition through the Art of Allowing course facilitated by my yogini sister, Flora Aube. The power of my intuition grew as I listened and acted accordingly. My self-trust muscles became stronger. My art creation helped me to see at an even deeper level what I had embraced earlier this year – my self-worth; that I was able to create something so beautiful and that this creation came from me. I birthed it from within, by listening to the Divine Feminine energy flowing through me and allowing Her expression through me by being and open vessel to receive.
This was the time that I learnt the power of Alignment. I discovered my core values and by holding them in my heart consciously, I watched with ease how everything that was not in alignment fell away. I understood what experiences of contrast meant and I learnt that I could make the choice to come back into alignment of who I really am. I made the decision to choose Joy and to keep choosing what makes me feel really good.
I embrace and own that I am a sensitive woman. My emotions run wild under my skin. I have also done my work to not take someone else’s shit on. My boundaries are much stronger now with my core values and alignment as my highest priority. I’ve witnessed myself practicing this – slowing down, feeling the change in my body, checking in with myself on what my truth is and choosing to clarify what had been communicated to me, instead of feeling hurt or judged and then deciding what my next step of action would be. Always letting go of that which is not in alignment and caring more about how I am feeling.
2015 started with new adventures of completing my Creatively Fit Coaching Certification, Thetahealing Certification, birthing my website and putting my services out into the world. I embraced my sense of worthiness, embraced failure and making mistakes and kept moving forward to live my heart’s desires. The second half of 2015 has seen me through an incredible growth, full of magnificent love, abundance of grace and gratitude, divine guidance and manifestations.
I wrote these words earlier today, “I feel so joy-full wandering down the pathways that I am beaming with love’s radiance. It’s feels natural to wear my smile and gift it to strangers who are looking my wayâ€.
I am feeling absolutely fantastic and I am welcoming 2016 with arms wide open and my heart overflowing with love!
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